The Personal Injury Attorney and You
This chapter explores the various ways of finding a personal injury lawyer in the Delaware Valley. This may be the most important decision you make throughout the entire process of winning your personal injury claim. Some of the areas covered in this important topic include the initial consultation with a personal injury lawyer, the attorney’s fee agreement, dissatisfaction with and changing lawyers, and the crucial role you play during the litigation of your case.
If you decide to hire a personal injury attorney, you must find an attorney you can trust. You should also be sure that he or she has a good track record.
The very best way to find a good personal injury lawyer is by asking close friends or family members for recommendations. Be sure that the recommendation is for an attorney who specializes in personal injury litigation. The days when one lawyer is able to help you with all of your legal problems are over. Most lawyers today specialize in one or two areas and refer all other cases to other attorneys. There are many competent personal injury attorneys. It is an absolute mistake to retain anyone but a specialist.
The worst way to pick a lawyer is by the recommendation of someone you first meet at the accident scene. This nation’s big cities are filled with ambulance chasers who magically appear at accident scenes-ready to advise the vulnerable, accident victim. Do not trust your important rights to someone who practices the profession of law in this way.
For more on finding the best injury lawyers, click here.
For more on finding the best Pittsburgh injury lawyer, click here.