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Personal Injury Books – How To Win Your Injury Claim


My FREE new book, Winning Personal Injury Cases, examines every aspect of personal injury litigation, from how to handle the accident scene to jury trials, and beyond.  The information in this book can be used by personal injury litigants and their counsel in any state.  Send me an email at to order your FREE copy of this 343 page book.  It has sold more than 11,000 copies.  Visit my website at and download free chapters now.

Sample Forms and Worksheets

The sample forms provided are general in nature, but are designed to give you a good idea of the types of forms that are used in most locations. Your state, county, and/or judge will have rules and forms that are not included in this book. Check with the court clerk and/or court website for your case to review any local rules and forms that apply. Often, such forms require the same information as the forms in this book, and are merely laid out differently or use slightly different language. You must follow the court’s rules and use its forms.  When those forms conflict with mine, use theirs.

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